Individual workflow

As an alternative to using multi-purpose software, specially adapted simulation codes can be used by the design engineer within his normal work flow. Especially the open source CFD toolbox OpenFOAM® allows to combine CFD solution technologies and to adapt these methods for the according needs. The result is an application-oriented, highly specialised and easy-to-handle solver supporting the development departments in their design process.

Personal preferences

Given the design engineers individual way of working, a customised modelling and simulation environment can be fitted exactly to the users’ personal preferences. Existing hardware (PCs, work stations etc.) and software (Windows or Linux environments, CAD software etc.) can be used along, while the new modelling and simulation environment is integrated. This way established work flows remain intact and the introduction of the new technology generates little expenses.

Individual skills

The customised approach permits the adaptation of the modelling and simulation environment to the individual CFD skills of the design engineer. The range of available modelling features can be reduced or extended as required.

Reduction of time

For industrial applications, the usage of graphical user interfaces that provides assistance and guidance to the user is necessary. The time span to set up the simulation can be reduced significantly and sources of errors can be eliminated.